Hi there! It has been awhile and I apologize. It’s been a busy year with preschool and activities but summer is upon up and we are prepping for a family vacation.
We have a long flight and will be away from home for almost a week so I wanted to share a few things that I have snagged that we are taking with us.
For the plane:
This Sticker Book was the best! It kept my son’s (4 years old) attention during the flight and a few dinners. He could mostly do it himself and just needed a bit of help. I am thinking of using this book for birthday gifts because I couldn’t be happier with this find.
My daughter (2 years old) loved these Magic Pen Books. The marker only works on the book so no mess. I also love the Melissa & Doug Water Works Books for restaurants but not on the plane since the pens need to be refilled with water.
At takeoff and landing I let the kids have Ring Pops