You know what I never noticed (or cared about) before I became a Mom? Changing Tables! I didn’t care if restaurants, stores or public places had “baby friendly bathrooms”. How the times have changed.
I can vividly remember going to my favorite restaurant/bar in Coronado last summer as a new family of three. I was beyond excited to eat but before our appetizers arrived, Cruz had a blowout. No big deal, right? I’ll take him to the bathroom for a quick outfit cleanup and diaper change and I’ll be back before my husband eats all the chips and salsa.
As I enter the bathroom I realize, no changing table = no where to change this baby with a full blown BLOWOUT!
I needed a large area to take care of this mess but my only option was to use a fancy, iron bench meant for a vanity. As you can imagine, the cleanup/diaper change didn’t go well. I will spare you the details, you’ve been there, done that.
I returned to the table feeling frustrated with a clean baby (only wearing a diaper at this point) and to a husband who ate all the chips and salsa…
It was this new mom experience that made me realize something that has changed the way I run errands with a baby. The easiest place to change a baby is in the car.
Before I go in to a restaurant, shopping center, grocery store (or anywhere I will be spending a lot of time) I opt for a back of the car diaper change. It’s so easy. I have a Skip Hop Portable Changing Station with me at all times. It’s equipped with diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream and hand sanitizer. I also keep a special toy in the back of the car as a distraction during the diaper changing time. The dirty diaper can be tossed in a trash can and I am free to run my errands/shop/eat without the worry of scrambling to find a changing table.
Where’s the most awkward place you’ve changed a diaper?
Any “on the go” diaper changing tips or products to share?